Supporting the MIT community since 1980

Common Concerns

There is no wrong time and no wrong reason to contact the Ombuds Office.

People often work with an ombudsperson to problem-solve and strategize about:

  • Interpersonal relationships between peers, classmates, colleagues, supervisors and supervisees, advisors and advisees
  • Academic integrity, scientific misconduct, intellectual property disputes, grades, academic credit
  • Identity-based harassment, discrimination, abuse of power, bullying, inequitable working and learning environments, inappropriate relationships
  • Safety issues, working conditions, campus housing issues
  • Policy clarification
  • Opportunities for professional growth, performance appraisal, promotion, disciplinary action, planning leaves, changing roles, leaving MIT
  • Any challenge or dilemma that affects work, study, and life at MIT

The sooner you plan for change or address an emerging conflict, the more options you have for pursuing a successful outcome.

A Systems Approach

We act as a catalyst for positive systemic change by raising common concerns and emerging issues to stakeholders.